Land of Opportunity Training

What's included?

  • 7 Units
  • 29 Videos
  • 8 PDF
  • 1 E-book

We Help You Find and Win Government Contracts

Most people who start on the government contracting journey get lost. Without a map and a plan, the jargon, rules and regulations can seem overwhelming. This program provides a road map for companies and entrepreneurs to get a focused start in the federal government contracting marketspace—the Land of Opportunity.Designed for existing companies and business professionals, this course is divided into bite-sized segments with access to lecture content, coaches, blog information, tips and contracting news.We show you how to take advantage of special government set-aside programs for women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses.We teach you where the fish are and how to catch them. We show you how to find government agencies that utilize your goods and/or services, and we help you refine your marketing strategy so that you improve your chances of winning a contract. We’ll give you tips and tactics for responding to requests for solicitations.

Don’t want to go it alone?

No problem. We show you how to safely team up with other companies to win government contracts.
Mistakes can be costly and time consuming. We identify common mistakes – legal, contractual, and practical – to help you avoid the pitfalls that sideline so many hopeful Opportunists.
We help you get on the right path before and after a contract award. We provide important considerations for setting up your accounting systems to comply with rules for government contractors, and we offer tips for working with government contracting officers.
You can work at you own pace and learning style whether this means starting by watching the segment videos followed by workbook reading, or vice versa.

Your business success starts here

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